Baráth & Partners offers competitive fees. When determining the fees, we gave primary consideration to the price / value proportion. We have fixed prices from 1999, we do not calculate with any hidden, unforeseeable costs, and we request upfront payment exept in the case of framework or co-operating agreements.
As method of payment, we prefer bank transfer in various currency, but occasionally we do not refrain from cash or other forms of payment either. In the near future, we wish to introduce payment by bank card as well.
Data for the bank() wire-transfer:
K&H Bank
9 Lechner Ödön fasor
1095 Budapest, Hungary
EUR – HU83 1040 0195 5052 6786 5648 1023
USD – HU17 1040 0195 5052 6786 5648 1047
GBP – HU88 1040 0195 5052 6786 5648 1030