The documentation and information acquired through our methods and procedures applied in the course of investigations of various and economic and property related crimes perpetrated at the expense of business companies or private individuals can serve as bases to initiate criminal proceedings.
Our experience gathered in detecting and investigating crimes and the co-operation with investigative authorities have, to a large extent, resulted in detecting the perpetrators, acquiring evidence resulting in establishing well-grounded suspicion, and establishing the motives and circumstances enabling the perpetration of the crime.
Of known economic crimes, the most frequent types are theft, embezzlement, bribery and corruption. In the majority of the cases, it is more serious than the financial loss if the reputation of the company is endangered, in which cases the loyalty of the managers and employees may decrease, and customers and business partners may be alienated from the company.
Our agency has completed investigating several crimes involving extremely large values successfully, and initiated criminal proceedings against the perpetrators, collaborators and instigators.
Baráth & Partners can concentrate its efforts, resources and tools on solving the given case in the course of the investigation, so we can apply efficient and creative solutions in order to realize the case, thus assisting the overburdened investigating authorities.